And you’ll know them because they’ll be dancing…
The more I dance my own dance, the more I spot them in the crowd, the special fellow humans with that willingness to dance. Who show up with whatever they are feeling. Who pay attention and meet with their whole being. Radiating their embodied wisdom, and honouring mine.
I often start a dance with a gentle circle invitation to extend our awareness from our hearts into the centre of the group – the place where all hearts meet. The deeply sensitive dancers that I have the privilege of dancing with bring so much of their heart awareness into the group space and in turn it flows back to them. This is the gift of community, and it happens where we put our heart in, when we let ourselves feel and be felt by those around us.
I hope, whether you are dancing alone or with others, that this mix feels like a big group hug. Where you can feel held in your tears and your joy, and feel that you are not dancing alone.
With love, Jolene
Pic: “Group Hug” I found in an old notebook circa 2007 — food colouring and khoki pen…